TROUT   [ 2 ]


Gerry Webb freely admits to a life-long addiction to poetry, novels, jazz, rock, classical, painting, movies, wine, love and sex. More a taster than a producer of said elixirs, publishes poems and reviews in New Zealand magazines, including Trout One, has tried fiction without much to show for it so far.

Special loves: Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Frank O'Hara, Pablo Picasso, Bob Dylan, William Shakespeare, Henri Matisse, Ian Wedde, Mark Rothko, Ralph Hotere, William Blake, Bob Marley, Derek Walcott, Seamus Heaney, Pat Hanley, Colin McCahon, Aussie and Hawkes Bay reds, Marilyn Monroe.

Preferred location: homestead / farm in the Far North.

Current situation: teaching ESOL and creative writing in Auckland.
