trout [ 6 ]
Nina Seja [1 , 2 , 3]
  The History of the Mound
you became a Young National heretic,slick with rhetoric
and nurtured far-right policies, come-on lines
and frequent asides which you dripped into the ears of Nat. chicks.

you became Anglican Minister, and tightly curbed
your libidinal extra-marital emissions by replacing 
them with nocturnal, sweaty conversations with God

you became obviously spiritual and discovered your
inner Wild Man ggggrrrrrrrrrrr while enacting hairy
rituals,a lot like Anglicanism except with clothes off

you became post-colonial warrior and
fought the devils of settler left-overs,petticoated glossed over
details of land and exchanges of murky memory

now your histories converge as you peddle botany
sovereignty and knarled Western mysteries
to your wife who knows the intimacy of your pecaned thighs

  © 1999 

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